Category: Casting

The Advantage of Hoover & Strong Mill Products in Custom Fabrication

When deciding whether to fabricate or cast a ring design, the value of Hoover & Strong mill products should not be overlooked. This article will show how to combine various Hoover & Strong mill stock products to produce a custom-fabricated platinum ring.

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Torch Song

As retail stores and wholesale companies get into the designing and manufacturing end of the trade, more people than ever before need to know the basics of melting precious metals.

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New Technologies

A good jewelry caster must be familiar with some of the basic concepts of metallurgy, ceramic science and mechanics, so that he can use these technologies for the benefit of his trade and art. Jewelry casters over the centuries have done fine work, as is attested to by gold castings done by early Egyptians, Africans…

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Casting With Gemstones

Despite what you may think, several companies around the world are setting gemstones in waxes and casting them successfully. The economic benefit of this process is readily evident. If you can set stones in wax and can cast with the stones in place, the stone-setting costs become more competitive with products from countries with lower…

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