Category: Eco Friendly Jewelry

Cost Not a Deterrent to Being Green and Environmentally Friendly

The following is a Press Release from ORC Guideline (contact: Carolyn Werbler, ORC USA) ORC Guideline Survey Shows the Importance of Environmental Policies at Work & Home NEW YORK, NY – June 3, 2009 — When it comes to environmental issues and corporate social responsibility, people are willing to put their money where their hearts…

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WalMart and Zero Waste

Our vision is to reach a day where there are no dumpsters behind our stores and clubs, and no landfills containing our throwaways. We want to create zero waste. Reducing waste saves money for our customers, our suppliers, and our business. It also decreases our reliance on nonrenewable resources.

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Consumer Questions Answered – Recycled Precious Metals and Gems

  1. Is buying recycled jewelry just the same as buying second hand jewelry? No. Recycled jewelry is made from precious metals that have been recycled from various sources such as scrap from jewelry manufacturing,  unwanted jewelry, electronics, dental crowns etc.

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Ten Ways to Sell to a Green Consumer

The largest sale in the history of our company, three platinum rings and a large diamond, came from a customer from California who found us online and said he purchased from us specifically because of our “progressive eco-values.” I was happy to make this sale, but also sad that there were no jewelers in his…

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